I am an assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Computer Science in the Human-Centred Computing section (DIKU HCC); my work is in Human-Computer Interaction, with a focus on input devices and techniques mediated through sensing and digital fabrication. Specifically, I am interested in creating deeply custom interfaces that are adapted to users' bodies, contexts, and needs.
Methodologically, I focus on systems research, where the output of a project is a functional novel system that users can interact with: many of the contributions of this work come from the algorithms required to make these prototypes work, though particularly for sensing research there is a large component of controlled user testing experiments to ensure portability across users and functionality.
If you are a master's or bachelor's student at KU, or a student at KU or elsewhere looking for a PhD position, and you would like to work with me, please reach out! It will help if you can include context about who you are, what you do, and why you would like to work together (see my page on doing research with me). I also keep a braindump of potentially-interesting master's and bachelor's projects that you are welcome to take a look at.
Methodologically, I focus on systems research, where the output of a project is a functional novel system that users can interact with: many of the contributions of this work come from the algorithms required to make these prototypes work, though particularly for sensing research there is a large component of controlled user testing experiments to ensure portability across users and functionality.
If you are a master's or bachelor's student at KU, or a student at KU or elsewhere looking for a PhD position, and you would like to work with me, please reach out! It will help if you can include context about who you are, what you do, and why you would like to work together (see my page on doing research with me). I also keep a braindump of potentially-interesting master's and bachelor's projects that you are welcome to take a look at.
Current Work: Assistant Professor at The University of Copenhagen
Education: PhD, Human Computer Interaction, UC Berkeley (supervisor Björn Hartmann, thesis) [2016]
BS Computer Science, BA Mathematics, Indiana University Bloomington [2010]
BS Computer Science, BA Mathematics, Indiana University Bloomington [2010]
I study physical input devices as the ultimate bridge between humans and computers. My work pushes for a world where such devices, whether explicitly-designed or ad hoc, fit a specific user’s needs for a particular time, place, and task, culminating in deeply custom interfaces designed, fabricated, or simply picked up to solve a problem.
My thesis research, supervised by Björn Hartmann, focused on digital fabrication and how we can leverage its potential to make prototyping input devices a faster and easier process: this culminated in my dissertation, entitled “Fabbed to Sense: Integrated Design of Geometry and Sensing for Interactive Objects.” A video of my thesis presentation is also available online. Thus I received my PhD from UC Berkeley in 2016. Earlier, I graduated from Indiana University in 2010 with a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Mathematics, and minors in Psychology and Spanish. I have interned at Adobe, Autodesk, and Marvell Semiconductor on various topics during my PhD. After graduating, I worked at Tactual Labs to use anatomical sensing as a way to turn passive objects into input devices.
Here at DIKU, I'm happy to supervise bachelor and master projects in my area of expertise (3D printing and digital fabrication, sensing, input device design, human-computer interaction). I also maintain a list of project ideas that you're welcome to look at; feel free to reach out to discuss these ideas or related ones! I love chatting about research.
Here at DIKU, I'm happy to supervise bachelor and master projects in my area of expertise (3D printing and digital fabrication, sensing, input device design, human-computer interaction). I also maintain a list of project ideas that you're welcome to look at; feel free to reach out to discuss these ideas or related ones! I love chatting about research.
I often have students at all levels in my lab working their theses and other projects, or visiting from other universities.
PhD : Atul Chaudhary, Bhaskar Dutt
MSc : Yixuan Chen, Guodong Shi, Alexis Dumélié, Nóra Püsök, Niels Buch, Xinzhi Huo, Jonas Masiulionis, Radu Taraburca (co-supervised with Irina Shklovski) (2024); Weronika Młotkowska, Mengting Huang, Nikolai Nielsen, Gavin Menezes, Konstantinos Papanikos, Benjamin Paddags (co-supervised with Daniel Hershcovich) (2023); Michał Pikulski (2022)
BSc : Linnea Andersen, Sofie Havn, Peter Cai, Brian Lassen (2024); Sebastian Larsen Prehn, Mohamad Chlieh (2023); Julie Mann Kjeldsen (co-supervised with Irina Shklovski) (2022)
Visitors : Wei-ju Lin (from Lung-Pan Cheng's lab at NTU)
PhD : Atul Chaudhary, Bhaskar Dutt
MSc : Yixuan Chen, Guodong Shi, Alexis Dumélié, Nóra Püsök, Niels Buch, Xinzhi Huo, Jonas Masiulionis, Radu Taraburca (co-supervised with Irina Shklovski) (2024); Weronika Młotkowska, Mengting Huang, Nikolai Nielsen, Gavin Menezes, Konstantinos Papanikos, Benjamin Paddags (co-supervised with Daniel Hershcovich) (2023); Michał Pikulski (2022)
BSc : Linnea Andersen, Sofie Havn, Peter Cai, Brian Lassen (2024); Sebastian Larsen Prehn, Mohamad Chlieh (2023); Julie Mann Kjeldsen (co-supervised with Irina Shklovski) (2022)
Visitors : Wei-ju Lin (from Lung-Pan Cheng's lab at NTU)
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Affectron 1.0
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Proximity Dress
Have a project idea? Just want to talk? Get in touch! If you're a student at DIKU, have a look at my page about the best ways to contact me.
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